What We Do
Open Discourse Coalition is a Pennsylvania non-profit corporation, recognized as tax-exempt by the Internal Revenue Service pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
We are troubled that so many American colleges and universities have shown their lack of openness to a variety of intellectual viewpoints. At present, this lack of openness is particularly pronounced as it relates to discussions of American history and government, the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, Western civilization, totalitarianism, religion in public life, competing visions of the good life, the meaning of citizenship, capitalism and economic freedom, American leadership in contemporary society, and the inherent value of the free exchange of ideas.
Because we believe in open discourse, Open Discourse Coalition is especially interested in supporting activities at Bucknell, such as colloquies, where college students can hear competing views on the above topics in a civil context. We also support standalone lectures that supply a variety of intellectual viewpoints on the above topics when it is otherwise lacking. Open Discourse Coalition only supports programming that provides well-grounded, thoughtful, intellectual viewpoints. Our culture is full of entertainers, provocateurs, and propagandists; university students can find them elsewhere. Not only do today’s students know the difference, we have seen already that they are desperate for the variety of intellectual viewpoints that the activities we support now provide.
In addition to supporting the activities described above, Open Discourse Coalition supports people and organizations in the Bucknell community who share our values.
Open Discourse Coalition supporters represent Bucknell graduates in every decade from the 1950’s forward. Those involved with Open Discourse Coalition care deeply about Bucknell University and aspire to further Bucknell’s mission to educate students for a lifetime of critical thinking and strong leadership.