Alumni Voices
“We began Open Discourse Coalition, an alumni and student-supported organization. The coalition is an independent, nonprofit organization with an office blocks from Bucknell University. Its goal is to advance the school’s mission to offer students diversity of thought with an unwavering commitment to free speech.
Prominent speakers, confident they will be heard, have been drawn to Bucknell to discuss and debate national issues, with students from the right and left turning out in large numbers. Experts on some of society’s thorniest topics have civilly discussed, disagreed and answered challenging questions from students.”
Interview: Leadership Seminar Alumnus Peter Foradora ’22
Alumni Perspectives: Churchill's Legacy
Why I Joined Open Discourse Coalition
Wall Street Journal Letters: Alumni Are Fed Up and Ready to Fight Back
Open Letter from Five Trustees Emeriti
The Founding of Open Discourse Coalition
CPA Journal: The State of the Profession